Everything in the human body is connected. A massage relaxes muscles, relieves stress, helps with insomnia and anxiety, and calms the mind and body. A good massage therapist, regardless of individual technique, focuses on the body as a whole and aims to improve both the physical and mental state of their client.

A massage has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it stimulates and calms it, and indirectly affects the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormone, from the pituitary gland. A massage affects the body as a whole, and regardless of the type of massage, its benefits are always numerous.

Price list

Relax massage 30' (lavender and lemon balm oil for deep relaxation)25 €
Relax massage 50' (lavender and lemon balm oil for deep relaxation)35 €
Therapeutic massage 30' (rosemary and mint oil for sore muscles)30 €
Therapeutic massage 50' (rosemary and mint oil for sore muscles)40 €
Aromamassage 50'
(antistress body massage with essential oils)
50 €
Pinda massage 60'
(relaxing body massage with warm cloth bggs filled with mediterranean herbs)
60 €
Lava shell massage 60'
(relaxing body massage with warm shells for deep muscle relaxation)
60 €
Aromatic massage 50'
(relaxing body massage with warm aromatic massage wax)
50 €
Deep relax 30' (scalp, face, hands and cleavage massage with argan and cranberries oil)25 €
Foot massage 20'20 €